2023 and the Holistic Resolution


Another year begins and with it we expect to begin transforming ourselves into a new, shiny version of the highest degree—despite the difference between December 31st and January 1st being one flip of the calendar. Regardless, we find ourselves slipping into a new, hopeful mindset glittered with visions of our “better” selves the moment the New Year countdown hits zero.


If you’re anything like me, or a large majority of the population, you have mentally or physically written out a list of resolutions for the coming year. Past lists of mine have included anything as mundane as losing weight to outlandish as move across the country (Spoiler: I did it!). This year however, I have decided to reevaluate how I look at my goals for 2023, specifically in how I accomplish them.


My main resolution for this year is to view myself holistically. A shift in mindset to consider the mind, body, and soul when planning out who I want to be the next time the ball drops. While pinpointing target goals is a great way to make progress, I will be considering the big picture of my well-being going into this year.


Here are a few things I am keeping in mind in 2023:


1.     Keep connectivity at the forefront of any goal.

How does whatever I want to accomplish affect me mentally, physically, and emotionally? Is this a goal that can benefit me wholly? A.K.A: throwing out all of my “lose weight” goals if they are only motivated by vanity. Or getting out of a “make more money” mindset if it is only accomplished by running my physical body into the ground with exhaustion. If an important aspect of myself has to suffer to accommodate success in another area, we are not bringing it into 2023!


2.     Be delusional—no one ever accomplished anything impressive by staying comfortable.

I am starting with the biggest dream I have. The bigger, the better. Then, I’ve moved backwards to break it down into bite sized pieces. Now, I will focus on those smaller pieces that meet me where I am. This is something I was able to run a trial with in 2022. Last year, the bite sized pieces closest to me included moving to New York City. While it was one hell of a bite that I’m honestly still trying to chew, it was a MUCH more tangible goal than “chase my dreams.” That’s obviously wonderful, but you’re going to need something tangible to chase otherwise you’ll just be running around aimlessly. BUT, do always dream as big as possible! Anything truly is possible with a tangible plan.


3.     Act as though you already have everything you desire and remain grateful.

This may be the biggest game changer when it comes to resolutions. As we know, our mindset is everything when we want to make lasting changes. So, whenever I can rewire my outlook on a goal, it tends to come naturally. To further this, I imagine how I would feel if I accomplished everything I am striving towards, then use this feeling to propel my progress forward. The trick is stay in this positive mindset, which is a huge goal of mine. And, of course, continuing to express gratitude for anything and everything I have.


4.     Give yourself grace.

I really underestimated this power of this one. Life is so much easier to navigate when you chalk up struggles to opportunities of learning and growth. When things don’t work out in your favor, retrain yourself not to react in a self-deprecating way. Sometimes external factors are more at play than anything you could have maintained control over. And when you are at fault?  Give yourself the grace to learn from it.


5.     Protect your peace, but do not forget to grow.

While nights in with a face mask and alone time are vital to my mental health, taking leaps in meeting new people, going after opportunities, and diving headfirst into projects that scare me is what makes life worth living. Growth does not happen within the confines of my apartment. A big focus of mine this year will be this balancing act between myself and my expansion.



In short, my resolution this year is to put myself first. My whole self, not just the parts that I’ve deemed important in this particular set of 365 days. Hopefully you can also benefit from this outlook this year and use it to accomplish whatever it is you are working towards.



Cheers to the holistic resolution!







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